Strathfield Council Stallholder Terms & Conditions


  1. Council will select applications based on merit, suitability and variety.
  2. Submitting an application to participate in the Strathfield Spring Festival in any capacity is deemed acceptance to these terms and conditions.
  3. Stallholder fees will not be refunded under any circumstances, except at Council’s discretion.
  4. The stallholder acknowledges stallholder bookings are not transferable and no other person or business is permitted to take the original stallholder’s place without written consent from Council.
  5. Council accepts no responsibility for any late or misdirected applications due to technical disruptions, network congestion or for any other reason.
  6. The Stallholder and all associated agents have read, acknowledge and accept the consent and risk waiver.
  7. Stallholders will operate in covered stalls measuring 2.4m x 2.4m. Please indicate on the registration form if you have your own stall.
  8. All stallholders must hold current Public Liability Insurance cover for at least $10 million. The policy must be extended to include goods sold. It is the responsibility of all stallholders to arrange Public Liability Insurance to cover any claim arising out of the activities of stallholders. A copy of your Public Liability Insurance must be attached to your application form.
  9. The stallholder is to confine their operations to within the boundary of the stall area and may not move the stall from the allocated site. No operations are permitted outside the allocated stall area.
  10. Strathfield Council WILL NOT provide water to any site, however water will be available from taps within Strathfield Park grounds.
  11. Strathfield Council may provide power if required for a fee. Stallholders are permitted to bring their own generator.
  12. Stallholders must not alter the type of merchandise to be sold from the items listed in the application form, without the consent of Strathfield Council.
  13. Council’s decision on stall selection and location is final.
  14. The stallholder acknowledges that Strathfield Council is moving towards reducing plastic pollution and as such, the use of balloons, plastic bags and plastic straws are prohibited. A Council staff member will be onsite during the event to inspect that stalls are compliant.
  15. The stallholder understands and agrees that Strathfield Council has the right to remove, without refund or recourse, any stallholder who misrepresents themselves or their product.
  16. Signage may be used to identify the stallholder’s products.
  17. It is not permitted for the stallholder to sublet their stall to an outside commercial company or sell food if they are not a food retailer.
  18. Council reserves the right to exclude any group, individual or organisation from participating in the Strathfield Spring Festival and all decisions are final.
  19. All directions given by Council Event staff must be complied with. Failure to follow directions could lead to immediate exclusion from the Strathfield Spring Festival. In the event this happens, no fees will be refunded and are forfeited.
  20. The stallholder acknowledges and agrees that they will be solely responsible for, and bear all risk associated with, the collection of money at, and the transfer of money to and from the site.
  21. The stallholder acknowledges it is responsible to ensure that all merchandise, packaging and equipment are kept within the specified area and that the area is kept clean and tidy at all times.
  22. The stallholder acknowledges and agrees that it must at all times during the Strathfield Spring Festival, comply with all laws including any statutes, regulations, ordinance and by-laws now or at any time in force in New South Wales.
  23. Council will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for any personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with the Strathfield Spring Festival except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
  24. Council reserves the right to cancel Strathfield Spring Festival at any time for any reason including Covid related reasons, which may include but are not limited, Public Health Orders, lockdown/ stay at home orders, capacity restrictions, event restrictions, proximity to exposure sites and active Covid cases, and whether hosting the event is in the best interests of the community. Stallholder fees will be refunded at Council’s discretion.
  25. The stallholder releases Council from all liability for any loss which may occur due to Covid related reasons including low attendance.



  1. Stallholders are not permitted to bring their vehicle into Strathfield Park at any time during the event other than the designated times set by Council for loading in and out.
  2. Stallholders must abide by the set up and pack-down rules as stipulated by Strathfield Council.



  1. Council encourages an ecologically sustainable environment. Stallholders must ensure that all waste is removed at the completion of the Spring Festival and disposed of in an appropriate manner.


  1. All food stalls must comply with the NSW Food Safety Standards and regulations. Inspections will be made throughout the day to ensure these regulations are adhered to.
  2. All food vendors may be asked to attend a food-handling seminar.
  3. All stalls are subject to an inspection by Council’s Authorised Officers under the NSW Food Act 2003.
  4. All beverages sold at the Strathfield Spring Festival must be in containers other than glass. No glass items are permitted to be sold.
  5. All goods proposed for sale by the stallholder must be identified. The stallholder acknowledges and agrees that Council reserves the right to ask the stallholder to withdraw any item/s from sale and all decisions are final.
  6. The stallholder must ensure that all food and beverages are prepared and stored in a clean and hygienic manner and that all tools and utensils used to prepare and serve food and beverages are clean and hygienic. Any cooking equipment and other equipment required for the preparation, storage and sale of food and beverages must be provided by the stallholder.
  7. The stallholder must ensure that appropriate fire safety equipment including fire extinguishers and fire blankets are available for the duration of the day.
  8. The stallholder will agree to comply with NSW Food Authority’s Guidelines for food businesses at temporary events.
  9. Stallholders agree that when possible they will use only recyclable packaging and biodegradable containers. No glass (bottles or otherwise) is to be sold.
  10. The use of plastic polystyrene is NOT permitted.



I agree to fully release Council (and their councillors, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, contractors, sponsors or agents) from all liability (to the extent permitted by law) for any loss, injury (whether fatal or otherwise) or damage suffered in relation to my attendance and/or participation in the Spring Festival, however so caused, including but not limited to, any negligence, breach of duty, or other acts or omissions of Council (or their councillors, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, contractors, sponsors or agents).

I agree to allow Council or persons subject to Council to take, print, publish and show photographs, sound and video recordings of myself in relation to the event to be used for Council’s reports and publications including but not limited to internet and promotional materials. I waive the right to receive any compensation or make any claim for the use of such photographs and recordings.


Council manages privacy and personal information in accordance with relevant legislation and Council’s Privacy Management Plan. Information on how Council handles your personal information is explained in Council’s Privacy Management Plan.

Council collects and stores your personal information in relation to your application and participation in the Spring Festival. You accept the provision of personal information is voluntary but failing to provide all or part of the sought after information may mean Council can not process your entry. Information provided by you may be accessed by government agencies and members of the public in accordance with relevant legislation. Council is to be regarded as the agency that holds the information.

Under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 you can apply to access records of personal information Council holds about you, and then apply to amend or correct personal information.

You can access your personal information by writing to Council’s Privacy Contact Officer at PO Box 120, Strathfield NSW 2135. You can view Council’s Privacy Management Plan by visiting:

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